Architectural Graphics can be effective in creating interest in projects that require outside funding. Bare land is often easier to sell if buyers are provided with a design and a computer rendering.
Different media styles are appropriate in different situations. Hand-drawing adds a warmth to the images, computer visuals are sharp and well defined. Presentation graphics meet different needs than design drawings, colors need to be correct, scene-framing and picture lines need to be attended to, captions and text need to work with the image.
are $45/ hour. For computer renderings, once the digital model is finished, multiple views can be taken quickly and efficiently. Hand drawing is $200/day, and is significantly more time intensive. Please call Pete at 208-263-3172 if you’d like to discuss a project. Because online work is more time efficient, the rate is discounted to $40/ hour –this is only for computer renderings. Email should be sent to These rates are not design rates, and include only graphic services.
Because of the power of images, we tend to do a lot of non-profit graphic work, to help causes we believe in get a good start. This depends both on the quality of the project and the time available, but please call me if you have a project you feel is community-minded, creative, or in any other way especially worth-while.